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BIM – Regulatory Updates

With the introduction of mandatory Building Information Modelling (BIM) for the management of complex public procurement projects, there has been an increasing need for specialized professionals such as BIM Specialist, BIM Coordinator, BIM Manager and CDE Manager. In this course we will delve into Ministerial Decree Aug. 2, 2021, no. 312, titled "Amendments to the Decree of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport December 1, 2017, No. 560," also known as the Baratono Decree published on August 3 on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility. COURSE DURATION: 1 HOUR METHOD OF DELIVERY: COURSE ENTIRELY ON LINE (Asynchronous FaD) with issuance of certificate of transparency of skills

Online marketing

The course aims to develop skills in the field of online marketing, namely: - Basic principles of marketing - Basic Principles of Digital Marketing - Basic principles of e-commerce - Basic principles of omnichanneling. COURSE DURATION: 20 HOURS METHOD OF DELIVERY: Course delivered entirely online, in asynchronous FaD

Social Media Manager

Whether you want to make it your profession, or you want to use these skills to push your business, or your professional figure (or knowing how to test the quality of those who do it for you), the course that prepares you as a Social Media Manager is fundamental. COURSE DURATION: 1 HOUR DELIVERY METHOD: Course delivered entirely online, in Asynchronous FaD mode, without final exam and with the issue of a personalized certificate.